
About The Author

Otis L. Lee, Jr., a remarkable African-American individual, defied the barriers imposed by segregation and Jim Crow laws to achieve remarkable personal and professional accomplishments.
Originally an attorney, he has now transitioned into an author who uses his powerful insights and experiences to inspire others. Through his writings, captivating video shorts, and engaging speaking engagements, Otis Lee, Jr. enlightens audiences with his unique perspective on resilience and triumph over adversity.
Lee’s debut memoir, From South Boston to Cambridge: the Making of One Philadelphia Lawyer, intricately weaves together a captivating narrative that chronicles his relentless pursuit of success, overcoming one obstacle after another. Within its pages, readers are transported alongside Lee, sharing in his profound emotions and experiences.

Prepare to empathize with Lee’s poignant embarrassment and anger as a young boy witnessing his father’s heartbreaking plea to a white clerk for a meager family dinner. Feel the sting of humiliation when, as a young man, he endures the dismissive treatment from a successful African-American judge. Be taken aback by Lee’s candid account of a stress-induced quarrel with his girlfriend, ultimately leading to their painful breakup.

As the memoir delves deeper, brace yourself for the gripping retelling of Lee’s terrifying coronary events, which will evoke your own fears and anxieties. And when Lee recounts his heart-wrenching journey through the Door of No Return in Ghana, be prepared for your own heart to ache.

Throughout this remarkable memoir, Lee’s commitment to honesty shines through, inviting readers to intimately join him on his tumultuous journey.

Upcoming Work

Otis Lee is currently immersed in the editing phase of his highly anticipated third book, Black Spartacus, I Was Born in the Forest: A Traveler’s Guide to Quilombo, Maroon Societies in Brazil.